Healthwatch Croydon Annual Meeting 2024

We appreciate everyone who came to the Healthwatch Croydon Annual Meeting and Question Time on 6th November 2024 at the Croydon Clocktower Café. Your participation made this event succeed and showed how committed we all are to make health and social care better in Croydon.
Looking back at our work in 2023-24 and talking about our plans to have an impact in the future became better because of what you added and the smart questions you asked. The lively talk about health inequalities proved how important it is for our community to come together to make real changes. We want to give a big thank you to our great panel members: Matthew Kershaw (Croydon's Health Leader), Sarah Burns (Croydon Voluntary Action), Andrew Brown (Croydon BME Forum), and Annette McPartland (Director of Adult Social Services for Croydon).
We also thank the Mayor and local councillors who joined us showing that we all want to improve health and social care for everyone. Don't forget to check out our event highlight video for a quick summary and see the full panel talk with Croydon's health chiefs to get a thorough look at the main topics and concerns brought up.
Also please feel free to feedback your thought on the event here >>>