Gordon Kay - Healthwatch Croydon Manager

 : gordon.kay@healthwatchcroydon.co.uk

Gordon became Healthwatch Croydon Manager in April 2018 having previously lead Marketing and Communications for Healthwatch Croydon since 2015. He is a marketing communications professional with over 20 years’ experience working in higher education, medical and healthcare, international education and tourism. He has previously worked at Brighton and Sussex Medical School (BSMS), University of Brighton, Study Group and VisitBritain. He is a member of the Chartered Institute of Marketing and a Chartered Marketer.

Our staff

Yinka Faponnle - Engagement Lead

Email: yinka.faponnle@healthwatchcroydon.co.uk

Yinka is a dynamic professional with over thirteen years’ experience coordinating office management and special projects with a high degree of efficiency within NHS, government departments, and project management environments. Her role is to lead on Engagement with communities and organisations across Croydon. Yinka was previously Executive Assistant from 2015 to 2018. She has worked for NHS Property Services at NHS East London and City. Yinka studied Marketing at London Metropolitan University and possesses a combination of finance, marketing and project management skillsets.

Jeet Sandhu -Communications Lead

Email: jeet.sandhu@healthwatchcroydon.co.uk

Jeet is our Communications Lead responsible for all aspects of promoting Healthwatch Croydon in the community and connecting with residents.

Elisabeth Wilson - Research and Engagement Officer

Email: elisabeth.wilson@healthwatchcroydon.co.uk

Elisabeth is Healthwatch Croydon's Research and Engagement Officer, a role that involves listening to the views of patients and service users in Croydon to ensure their voices are heard. Prior to starting in the summer of 2024, she was a local journalist, reporting on health and social care issues. Elisabeth studied Politics at the University of York, which covered social research methods.