Urgent Care and Emergency Services Report -December 2016

This survey of mental health service users has found that they were admitted to a mental hospital ward due to lack of coordinated support services.

As part of its work, Healthwatch Croydon has scrutinised the local experience of Urgent Care and Emergency Services, engaging with residents in the community and at services, and researching local and national statistics. In this report, Healthwatch Croydon presents conclusions, along with findings of an Urgent Care and Emergency Services Public Meeting we hosted on 23rd November. The report looks at people’s collective experience, and also gives voice to their aspirations for future services. The Public Meeting, hosted by Healthwatch Croydon and attended by around 40 delegates, was an opportunity to record residents’ experiences specially on urgent care, and to get their views on the shape of future services.

Volunteer and local resident Tariq Salim was one of two Healthwatch representatives on the NHS committee that oversaw the re-procurement of local Urgent Care services. Now the process is finalised, with contractors appointed, Tariq gives his views of the process below.


File download
Urgent and Emergency Care Services Report
A volunteers Perspective on Urgent Care Recprocurement

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