Healthly Living Hub - April 2017
Healthwatch Croydon conducted a survey at the Healthy Living Hub (HLH) between 23 and 30 March 2017.
It had been advertised that some of services at the Healthy Living Hub were being reduced and given previous reductions in service, HWC were keen to understand how the service was perceived and experienced by the users.
Our snapshot report aimed to register views on the current service and also understand where service users might go if this service did not exist. Engaging with 124 service users in total, we asked how they found out about the service, how often they use it, and which aspects they find most useful. We also asked where they would go, if they could not access the service.
It had been advertised that some of services at the Healthy Living Hub were being reduced and given previous reductions in service, HWC were keen to understand how the service was perceived and experienced by the users.
Our snapshot report aimed to register views on the current service and also understand where service users might go if this service did not exist. Engaging with 124 service users in total, we asked how they found out about the service, how often they use it, and which aspects they find most useful. We also asked where they would go, if they could not access the service.
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Healthy Living Hub Survey Report