Mystery shop of Croydon's GP websites - June 2023

In June 2023, Healthwatch Croydon conducted a review of Croydon’s GP websites to assess their accessibility, user-friendliness, and digital services. The 'mystery shop' was undertaken with a focus on patient experience and identifying key areas of improvements to enhance the accessibility and effectiveness of GP websites.

Key Insights:

  • Website: Out of the 46 websites reviewed, none met the criteria of ‘extremely useful’. 15 websites were rated ‘very useful’, while 30 were rated ‘somewhat useful’.
  • Accessibility: While many websites included useful information, key services like out-of-hours details, access to translation services, and information on interpreting services were inconsistently provided.
  • Patient Participation Groups (PPG): Websites lacked clear information about PPGs, including how to join or the meeting minutes. 

Read and download the full report below: 


File download
Mystery shop of Croydon's GP websites - Healthwatch Croydon - June 2023
Improving Accessibility of GP Websites Quality Improvement Guide for General Practice – Croydon

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