We are seeking your input regarding our Patient Experience Strategy!

Here at Healthwatch Croydon our mission is to amplify your voice and ensure that your healthcare experiences are both heard and acted upon. That’s why we are thrilled to extend an invitation for you to take part in the consultation for our Patient Experience Strategy.

Why Your Opinion Matters:

The Patient Experience Strategy from South West London NHS serves as a roadmap for healthcare providers guiding them in enhancing the quality of services offered. Following an evaluation of the strategy (2020 - 2023) it has become evident that further efforts are required to achieve our established priorities and address emerging themes. This is where you come in.

Your feedback holds value in shaping the strategy’s themes and delivery plan for the years 2023- 2026. We sincerely want to hear about your experiences, concerns and suggestions regarding healthcare services in Croydon. By participating in this consultation you play a role, in collaborating on a strategy that places the needs of our patients and local community at the forefront.

How You Can Take Part:

Taking part in this conversation is simple! To access the survey, you can scan the QR code.

[Complete the Survey]

Your valuable input will play a role, in shaping our Patient Experience Strategy ensuring that it caters to the perspectives and needs of our diverse community. By working we can bring about changes in healthcare services across Croydon.

Find out more about this consultation on Croydon health Services Website>>>

View a more comprehensive plan for the patient experience strategy via the link below:

Overview of the Patient Experience Strategy v2023 SB