Croydon’s Voluntary, Community and Faith Sector – Analysis and Insight

Healthwatch Croydon was commissioned by the One Croydon Alliance to better understand the experiences of the Voluntary, Community and Faith Sector (VCFS) to inform improvement in the planning of services and support. The One Croydon Alliance is comprises of a number of organsiations including Croydon Council, NHS services, and the Voluntary and Community Sector Leadership Board (VCSLB), with a mission is to create healthier, happier, and more connected communities.
The Voluntary, Community and Faith Sector (VCFS) is to support Croydon’s most vulnerable residents. These organisations have been impacted by COVID-19 pandemic, cost of living crisis, and local funding constraints, and their contributions often go unrecognised in strategic planning and funding decisions.
VCSLB commissioned an independent study led by Healthwatch Croydon—to provide valuable insights into the efficiency, funding, and impact of Croydon’s VCFS.
Key Findings:
- 834 organisations are linked to Croydon’s VCFS, including 765 charities and 69 community interest companies (CICs).
- Faith-based organisations play a significant role, with Christian groups making up 17% of all VCFS organisations.
- Small and medium-sized organisations dominate, representing 42% and 26% of the sector, respectively.
- Gaps in support exist for older adults, mental health services, refugees, asylum seekers, and the homeless.